Old Game Projects

Here you can find some old stuff that I got involved with making. These game project assignments are usually small in scope. Chances of remaking these games are really slim.


-Solo Project
College Work
-Winter 2010

Download for Windows

Deadfrost was top-down shooter made in GameMaker (8.0 at the time). The gimmick at the time was the ability to strafe and turn 360 while firing many kinds of weapons. Unfortunately, since that was too ambitious considering the lack of time, there were only a few weapons.


Solo Project
-College Work
Winter 2011

See source on Github

The idea for AirDrone was inspired by some PC shareware from the 90’s whose name I forgot. In that game you were in a space ship killing alien spacecraft, but everything was in first-person. You looked out the cockpit as you blasted your enemies. I’m surprised there’s no game like that now.

This game idea I took and tried to make a similar game using DePaul’s Iridel engine overlaying XNA. Since I was given little time, I only have 2 enemies and 1 level, which stinks. I wished I could have gone further.

Pong Clone in QE

Solo Project
-College Work
Spring 2012

Download for Windows

See code on Github

In one of the classes I took, we had to use yet another university-made game engine called QE. That stands for “Quarterly Engine” (since an academic term at DePaul is measured in quarters instead of semesters). QE is a basic game engine meant for making games in C++ and utilizing OpenGL. One of the assignments was to make the game of Pong from scratch using QE’s framework. This was around the time I realized that making a game this simple took a very long time. Don’t get me wrong: I actually enjoyed programming it, but it took a long while. Obviously, I base this off how quickly anyone can dish out simple games with creation tools such as GameMaker or Unity.

Space Invaders Clone in QE

Team Project
-College Work
Spring 2012

Download for Windows

Using the QE engine again, I worked with a team to remake the famous Space Invaders. Our team had two programmers including me. I did most of the ship’s movement and bullet fire. Our other programmer did the enemy movement, barrier placements and we both worked on game state management. It was a fun experience to have a working remake of a classic. Those UFOs also pop up from time to time.